Better You

BK Fitness Survey reveals the health habits of Bangkokians
The gyms offering best value for money, the most buzzing classes and fitness trends, and who offers Bangkok's tastiest health food—all according to BK’s readers.
Ploy Bhinsaeng, Tribe
Why Bangkok’s young entrepreneurs are turning to health and wellness
Meet the brains behind the city's fitness boom. 
The best Bangkok gyms for early and late sessions
If your number one excuse for not working out is a demanding work schedule, these early and late Bangkok training options will help you squeeze in that all-important sweat sesh. 
Take the BK Fitness Survey 2019
By answering, you stand a chance to win some awesome prizes that'll make your life even healthier (or at least happier).
US fitness startup ClassPass acquires Singapore’s GuavaPass
The Bangkok fitness pass competition was shortlived. 
Kick-start your year with 2019's hottest wellness trends
It's not too late to make that new year's resolution.
Cannabis sativa. Credit: Bogdan/Wikimedia commons
Foreign pharma plot to dominate Thai marijuana market
Thailand’s medical marijuana movement hits major speedbump.
Somatic Movement Project. Credit:
Bangkok is welcoming a mind, body and spirit fair this November
Everything in balance. 
Don’t be fooled by these four common fitness myths
Here, we sift out the fake news with these fitness myth busters.
Be a better version of yourself with these 5 mindfulness apps
Keep calm and carry on.