Backseat Drunks

The government is having to backtrack rapidly after tough new laws banning drinking in factories and by passengers in vehicles caused widespread outrage and signs of an economic slowdown.Trouble first started when hundreds of heads of global corporations flat out refused to get in their chauffeur driven limos and go to work.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Aug 13 - 23:00


With fears of a rabies contamination in Chatuchak, we’re beginning to make plans for a post-apocalyptic Bangkok, where millions of rage-infected zombies roam the streets. When the great rabies pandemic sweeps into town, we plan on being prepared so as to carry on with our lavish lifestyles as per usual. After all, the war in the South has been going strong since 2001 and that hasn’t put a dent in anyone’s eating/spending habits here in the capital. So why worry about a few zombies?First, you’ll need to sort out food.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Aug 6 - 23:00

Kiss the Rings

Is Singapore getting ready to bid for the 2020 Games? Cameras in London over the weekend caught our Olympic delegation at the Opening Ceremony furiously scribbling notes in preparation...

This Danny Boyle puts on quite a show! Provocative film-maker who made his name with a story of drugs and violence... Somebody call Royston Tan?? The censors can help us keep it short and bring costs down.

Don’t really understand these boring scenes of pastoral life and timid sheep... Reminder to feature marauding wild boar and pick-pocketing monkeys when we do ours.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Aug 2 - 23:00

Good Sports

It’s high time the Olympics add more sports we Thais are actually good at so we can get all the gold medals we deserve. Of course, the obvious choices would be takraw and muay Thai, but those aren’t the only high-level competitive sports Thailand excels at—some of which originated abroad and quickly caught on in the kingdom—and need to be included at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.Dodge BallDodge ball may be the quintessential all-American geek/loser/nerd sport, but it also happens to be something of a Siamese specialty.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Aug 2 - 23:00

Let them eat donuts

We’re happy, you’re happy, everyone in Thailand is happy. What, you didn’t get that memo? Forget about the rain and all the talk of constitutions, mutating viruses and the pitiful chances of our Olympians, we’re happy. And we know we’re happy because some very clever people who do surveys told us so. In fact, we rate a whopping 104 on the happiness scale, enough to place us in the top 10 countries worldwide. Take that Myanmar—you can steal our tourists but will they buy you true happiness?

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jul 26 - 23:00

BL-Urban Dictionary

messy selectively 0 up, 233,451 down  

1. A phrase coined by Singapore’s PM Lee in mid-2012 to describe his preferred process for change.
“I would become messy selectively. There are some areas where you must accept that you cannot do things in a linear or hierarchical way.”

2. A nonsensical oxymoron. A contradiction in terms. Like fine fusion food. Or a Singaporean superstar.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jul 19 - 23:00

Heads in the Sand

For years here at BK we’ve adopted a very special technique for dealing with difficult questions and serious issues. Post-11am (we have some standards), we just reach for the bottle of Black Label in our drawer. Pre-11am, we simply stick our fingers in our ears and rock gently back and forth while singing “la la la” until it all goes away.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jul 16 - 23:00

Courting Trouble

Dear Pry MinisturIt's me Nong Daeng. How r u? Sorry I no write four long time but I got the new tablet at skool and I been very busy. First, Angry Bird was not working and so we make our teacher cry. She is one million years old, not pretty like you, and so she don't know how to make Angry Bird work. My friend Somchai. His dad has an Interweb cafe and he can jail break your iPhone if you want. You want? He can fix tablets too, but this one he not so good because is all in Chinese. Now angry bird work but not fruit ninja.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jul 12 - 23:00

The New 10 Commandments

Blame it on the archaic language or the sucky SEO, but it seems like people have been having trouble remembering a certain Top 10 list. With so many people straying from the path of late, perhaps it’s time for a little refresher.THOU SHALT1. Have no other gods. For the record, Jason Atherton, Bruno Ménard et al are savoury chefs not saviors.2. Not make yourself an idol. Nor pass off old Idols as headline acts.3. Not take the Lord’s name in vain. And certainly not use it to help further your wife’s musical career.4.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jul 5 - 23:00

Uber Guber

We couldn’t get a copy of one of the 100,000 leaflets to be distributed this week to BTS users in time for this issue. All we know is that they’re titled: “Why the Bangkok governor decided not to touch the Skytrain concession” (The Nation, Jul 1, 2012).

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jul 5 - 23:00