Monthly News Quiz

1. Why did the Constitutional Court threaten to dissolve parliament?a. A 40-minute wait for the ferry to Asiatique is completely unacceptable.b. Karun Hosakul called them all gay for wearing funny black dresses.c. We haven’t had a coup in over five years.d. Way too much porn was being shown during the constitution redraft debates.2. Why was Channel 3 fined B500,000?a. Many viewers complained of a blurry signal during the bare-breasted woman’s appearance on Thailand’s Got Talent.b.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jun 28 - 23:00

Working on it

Pundits are outraged that taxpayers’ money has gone towards a global campaign promoting Thailand as a desirable place to do business. For one, this is money that could have gone to traditional government-funded expenditures like border casinos, golf courses and resorts encroaching on national park land. But what’s most irritating is that, in Thailand, we absolutely detest whitewashing. If you’re going to show off the kingdom, we want it to be warts and all.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jun 21 - 23:00

Wise Old Men

We realize there’s been a lot of confusion lately about the powers of the Constitutional Court and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. And we’d like to put an end to all the head scratching with this short FAQ.Can the Constitutional Court dismiss parliament because I ended up missing the first six matches of Euro 2012?Yes.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jun 14 - 23:00

Bored Game

The world’s first two-sided Monopoly board was launched last week. MONOPOLY Singapore: Then and Now offers players the chance to play with a tiffin carrier on one side or a cabriolet on the other, pay with paper money or do their banking electronically, explore Oxley Estate or its latter-day incarnation ION Orchard. Yawn.After the distinctly one-sided praise for the last local makeover—2005’s Uniquely Singapore edition—we’re overdue something exciting. Hasbro?

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Jun 14 - 23:00

A Royal Disappointment

Diamonds are forever, they say, though in the week of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s prim, white haired old ladies who’ll survive until the end of time.In the lead-up to the big event, our crack(pot) roving royal reporter, Mr Rich Chap, has been taking the monarchy’s pulse around Singapore; finding out what survives of the old Empire and how being an outpost of the “old firm” is still relevant today. Here’s an excerpt of the transcript.Rich Chap: [politely] Excuse me, good sir. We’re asking local folks like yourself a few questions.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 May 31 - 23:00

Good Form

Editor’s Note: Due to an unfortunate administrative oversight (said sight being that of an extremely cute intern who distracted us all from our work) the below Declaration Form did not reach all prospective voters (yourself included) prior to this year’s Readers’ Choice Awards.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 May 17 - 23:00


Without any bidding process and with less than a year left of his term, our esteemed Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra has just signed a big fat B190 billion check to the BTS Company to operate the Skytrain until 2042. His Gubernatorial Graciousness claims that doing it now means we pay a lot less for the privilege today than we would in the near future. Come to think of it, why don’t we just pay for everything until 2042? You know, get it out of the way.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 May 10 - 23:00


Not a week goes by without pages of panic-stricken editorials about the imminent arrival of the ASEAN Economic Community and Thailand’s desperate lack of readiness. We’re starting to seriously flip out, too, and would like to help you prepare with this mini quiz:1. English is important because:a. Magazine headlines look better in helvetica.b. The dek inter at RCA are more easily understood when speaking in English, except when they’re really drunk.c. Europeans desperately need teaching jobs in Asia.d.

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 May 3 - 23:00

Unseen Uncle

It’s now common knowledge that Thaksin will return. The question is when, and how will he make his entrance?As a Burmese Migrant Worker: It is one of those deep economic mysteries that we both desperately need workers yet cannot afford to pay them B300 a day. The solution? Well the cabinet reckons we just ship in 200,000 Burmese migrant workers. Surely, we can just throw in one more guy. Who will notice?

city living
Issue Date: 
2012 Apr 26 - 23:00