Launched on Instagram earlier this month, Tatt to Pal is a fund raising project run by Thai-based tattoo artists and designers. All proceeds made from the flash tattoos will be donated to humanitarian organizations helping those affected by the ongoing violence in Palestine. 
“It began when we felt like we couldn’t continue creating art when there’s a group of people across the world being murdered,” a Tatt to Pal representative tells BK. “If we’re going to continue illustrating, we want it to benefit those people in one way or another.”
Participants browse through their Instagram and DM a screenshot of a desired design, along with its flash ID. After submitting proof of donation, participants receive the design within 24 hours, and then you can get tatted up at your leisure. 
Participants can donate directly to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) or Care for Gaza. All flash tattoos have a minimum donation fee of B550 or USD15.
The project was inspired by other fundraising groups of tattoo artists abroad, and since flash tattoos are already a high value and a convenient digital medium, creatives from multiple disciplines can join. In just one week, they’ve sold 23 flashes and received over B16,000 donations. 
Creators on Tatt to Pal remain anonymous on the page, but if customers want to learn more about the designer or want a referral to a tattoo artist, the project will privately message further details.
In the first seven days, Tatt to Pal gathered over 40 designers from Thailand and around the world. Artists interested in submitting their work can contact Tatt to Pal for more info.