We're celebrating our 20th anniversary with a brand new name

If you picked up our Jan 2 issue last week, you may have noticed an itty-bitty not-so-little change: we're now SG! Over the next few days, you'll see the name take over not just the print magazine, but also our website and our TwitterInstagram and Facebook pages.

Why the sudden name change, you ask? Well, it's simple. And it has nothing to do with SG50.

2015 marks not just the country's 50th anniversary. It also marks twenty (!!) years of us celebrating what's best about Singapore. We've cheered on for two decades as our little island went from Singa-bore to one of Asia's most dynamic places to live, work and play. We're still doing it, by sussing out the new and cool, from awesome (often indie) events to co-working spaces and startups to local music, film and books to hot neighborhoods. And rebranding as SG reinforces this mission.

In this issue, for example, we're celebrating on the cover an amazing photo of a Jalan Sultan HDB by local architectural photographer Darren Soh, whose work you can check out this month at Objectifs. 

We've also got 6 reasons why Sims is Singapore's next hot hoodnew albums by local bands, the latest on the bagel trend taking over Singapore, a new craft beer place on Thomson, 12 cool ways to get fit in Singapore, and lots more. If you missed your print copy, get the PDF here.

We hope you like it!


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