We scour the news for our island's strangest happenings.

Hacking the system, Anonymously

Around more than 180 websites were hacked last week with images of defaced Singapore flags, Yahoo News reported. The cyber attacks took place on two separate occasions, and the perpetrators are allegedly from Anonymous Indonesia. The world wide web is certainly scarily unpredictable, and that's putting it mildly...

What you don't know about cannabis

On the topic of websites, a site extolling the benefits of medical marijuana has been forcefully taken down, according to Asia One. The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) deemed the content of the Singapore Cannabis Awareness (CSA) website to be unsatisfactory; however, the creators of the site maintain that its content is purely informative and educational. But whatever the intention, let's not take any pot shots here.

Paying the price for pineapple tarts

61-year-old Lim Cheng Hoe, who formerly headed the protocol department (how ironic) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been sentenced to 15 months jail for graft. He inflated expenses for more than $80,000 worth of pineapple tarts and wine, which were supposedly purchased as gifts for dignitaries, as reported by Yahoo News. Cmon, dude, while inflation here's on the rise, it surely isn't that drastic yet...


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