Make-up is about more than making girls look attractive. It’s about looking and feeling glamourous. It’s an art form with the face as a canvas.
Make-up has evolved from this old grandmother thing to something very bright and experimental where you’re rewarded for breaking the rules and trying to be different. With a sense of creativity and an Instagram account, the sky’s the limit.
When you’re creating an artwork, you’ve got to go with the flow and take things as they come. Sometimes I maybe enjoy myself a little too much and go totally bananas applying glitter and confetti paper to my face—but the results can be quite alluring.
Fine art is overrated. I’ll never fully understand art on an academic level. But I have my own way of interpreting it. Back when I was studying in the UK we had to produce a Shakespeare play and I was part of the costume design team. It was a total blast being given the freedom to interpret Shakespeare the way I saw it; without medieval costumes but modern outfits instead.
The experience was pretty sick, having these actors wearing masks and bandanas. It was like we were constantly revealing different layers of make-up for each character. We could do that because the mindset in London is more open than in Thailand.
Before I moved to England at age 15, I was an introverted kid. I had so many ideas and crazy thoughts but not very much encouragement from my teachers.
The education dynamic in England is completely different to here. Everyone knows who they are and they have the right to express it in school.
When I was in Thai school I felt like I was being suppressed. Over there, though, the teacher would open things up for discussion and the classroom would become a forest of raised hands. My own thoughts and ideas exploded like fireworks.
I no longer fear being seen as stupid. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you don’t know or understand something straight away.
Thailand tends to look down on those who ask questions in class. It’s like there’s some secret agreement among students to let our question marks float and let silence fill the air before the teacher lets us out of the classroom.
In Thai school I was a golden child. I received many awards and certificates. In London, everyone was gifted. It got to the point where I had to tell myself, “Wake up young lady! This is the real world: everybody is as good as you. You have to stand out.” I learned that if you want something, you have to pursue it.
When I came back to Thailand, no one understood the simple beauty of a strong shade of lipstick. You could forget blood-red lipstick; back then, Thais were obsessed with Korean make-up. All these light-skinned girls with sweet, but almost scary, dolly eyes. I decided to change that.
I wear red lipstick because it represents my cheerful, somewhat reckless, attitude. I’ve always tried to encourage people to discover their best asset and use it to become tres chic. Defining your own beauty is a way of being true to yourself.
If you watch my videos, you’ll basically see a young woman apply make-up and progressively look more attractive. I use visual effects and editing to make the videos feel more like a piece of art that’s likely to inspire someone. There’s no point binge-watching YouTube videos but never figuring out who you are.
There’s nothing gutsier than going out without make-up. It means being honest about your most valuable assets. To be honest, I think my face looks weird, but I’m comfortable with it. I have my event face, but if I’m out with friends or family you will see a different me.
Beauty is a matter of what’s inside. You may look pretty and all, but hon, if you’re a natural liar who casually throwing shade at others, there is no make-up on this earth, no matter how expensive, that can help you