Issue Date: 
Jul 29 2013 - 11:00pm
city living

We launched the #heartbk hashtag on Instagram to get you keen-eyed shutterbugs to participate in our 500th issue. Kob khun to all those of you who tagged your pics: as you’ll see in the cover story, some of them have been immortalized in print. More importantly, the #heartbk tag provides a fascinating window into what it is you love about your city. Apparently you really dig noodles, cats, cream puffs, power lines, sunsets, ice cream, the Rama 8 Bridge, the view from your office window and the sky when it’s about to rain.

As such, we’re considering a few adjustments to our next 500 issues, which will feature more cats, sunsets and ice cream. You’ll also be happy to know that by the time you read this, we will have collected a bunch of cash for kids with multiple disabilities by selling the pretty illustrations also featured in our cover story. Good taste says we shouldn’t brag about these things but, in case you’re curious, we’ll post the final amount we raised at

What have we learned in the course of making 500 issues about the city you live in? That dreams can come true. The kind of food that snobs (BK included) once complained was only available in New York or Melbourne has made its way here—and so have fashion brands, both local and inter, a full-fledged knowledge industry and an increasingly sophisticated music scene. Most importantly, the ability for Bangkokians to really care about their city’s future—as opposed to following color politics—is no longer in doubt, as the recent Makkasan Hope movement can attest to.

It’s slightly odd to have your dreams come true. For a second, you’re left wondering what to do next. But Bangkok, despite its plethora of cats, noodles and ice-cream, can still do with a few more improvements. Here’s hoping our next 500 issues will continue to nudge the city in the right direction.

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