Issue Date: 
Jan 3 2013 - 11:00pm
city living

We figured you’d be a little down from having to head back to the office after the month of revelry. So instead of piling on the guilt with some stupid New Year New You health issue on how you need to cut down on carbs and do more sit-ups, we’ve decided to celebrate the one thing Bangkok is really good at. (Or at least the one thing we’re really good at and can talk about it in print.) That would be, you guessed it, social media.

Sure, we don’t read. Sure, we drink too much. Sure, we’re an annoyingly carefree bunch. Sure, we don’t even intend to pretend we’re going to get our shit together in 2013. But there are plenty of metrics out there pointing to our vast superiority when it comes to tagging fellow humans, posting pictures of food with an X-Pro filter or sending a sticker of a rabbit crying its eyes out to express our innermost feelings. Finally, Bangkok has found a field in which it possesses undisputed superiority.

Smug with our newfound confidence, we’ve decided to eschew New Year resolutions entirely this year. If anything, we vow to continue excelling at the delicate art of narcissistic social media self-indulgence. We will take more pouting selfies, we will be increasingly dutiful about checking in on Foursquare, we will redouble our Twitter efforts (our only weak spot, as tweeting involves reading and writing, which isn’t exactly our forte).

We’re somewhat relieved that the end of the world didn’t happen, but we still can’t shake the feeling that we hardly exist unless constantly fed electronic proofs to the contrary from our “friends.” So please share this story. Please click like. Please comment. Please confirm our existence with a poke, a follow or a repost. And in return, we totally wish you a fantastic New Year 2013. May it be full of Instagram-worthy experiences.

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