Issue Date: 
Jun 24 2013 - 11:00pm
city living

Dear Pry Ministur,

Hello! It's me Nong Daeng! I am 6 year old. I rite to u befor. Do u remember me? The radio say you are not poopular like befor. Oh no! Are u sad? Do u cry becoz u are a girl? 555 Just kidding na. Do not send me to jale like the cartoon man! My cartoon not so good like him. I try to draw you but u not look pretty same same his cartoon.

Everyone complain u are not paying for rice. My gran pa and gran ma they have rice farm. So daddy call them and they say very funny words that I am not allow to rite to u. 555. Very funny. U know, this animal, it like a dinosow, and it live at Guvermint House!

Today, I don't finish to eat my rice. Dad smack me on the head and say, "Finish your rice! My tax pay for that!" Then mom say, "Well you voted for her, dumby!" 555 I like when mom call dad dumby because I am not allow. Then they argue and I don't have to finish my rice!!! So THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Sometime I not so hungry because I make Koala Balls and good luck eating rice after eat a koala ball. Have you ever make Koala ball? I can teach you.

The TV say Apisit and Corn they want a new erection because they are very boring that u r Pry Ministur for too long. Do you want an erection? Dad say you will get it up every time and can do erection again and again you will never be tired and always win. Even mom, she don't like you, but she said it's too early for erection. What is a good time for an erection do you think?

OK. Bye bye. Please stop buy so much rice because I cannot finish it. And please send money to my grand pa so he can buy me some more Koala balls.

Good luck, ying luck 555
Nong Daeng    

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