This long-standing CHIJMES restaurant is back with a sushi by day and teppanyaki by night concept.

After more than a decade, this CHIJMES stalwart has returned with a cool look and new concept: sushi joint by day and teppanyaki bar by night. Dinner includes some indulgent ingredients like live lobsters (market price) and their signature flambé wagyu beef teppan-style. They've got a selection of assorted teppanyaki meats and seafood, while lunch is more about the makimonos, sashimis and sushis. For those looking for a quick fix, they've got convenient bento lunch sets, too, with options like sashimi and tsukune (fried breaded chicken).

After more than a decade, this CHIJMES stalwart has returned with a cool look and new concept: sushi joint by day and teppanyaki bar by night. Dinner includes some indulgent ingredients like live lobsters (market price) and their signature flambé wagyu beef teppan-style. They've got a selection of assorted teppanyaki meats and seafood, while lunch is more about the makimonos, sashimis and sushis. For those looking for a quick fix, they've got convenient bento lunch sets, too, with options like sashimi and tsukune (fried breaded chicken).

Venue Details
Address: Tatsu @ CHIJMES, Room 08, 01/F, CHIJMES, 30, Singapore, 187996 Singapore
Phone: 6332-5868
Cuisine: Japanese
Payment methods:
Open since: September, 2014
Opening hours: daily 11am-1:30pm, 5-9:30pm
Nearest trainCity Hall
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