
With a name like this, you know you have to try their signature rotisserie chicken, served with mushroom Chardonnay sauce. For dessert, their tiramisu is prettily-served and hits the sweet-craving spot.

With that name, you know you have to try their signature rotisserie chicken, served with mushroom Chardonnay sauce (half for $15.80, whole for $28.80). For sweets, their tiramisu ($7.80) is both prettily-served and hits that post-prandial spot.

Venue Details
Address: Poulet, Room 12, #04/F, Bugis+, 201, Singapore, 188067 Singapore
Phone: 6509-9411
Cuisine: French
Price Range: B
Open since: July, 2012
Opening hours: daily 10:30am-8:30pm
Nearest trainCity Hall
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