The idea in a nutshell: make fine dining more accessible by dropping the price to mere mortal levels. Sensi brass and chef Stefano Merlo are tackling this through a single-table offering every Mon-Thu called A Tavola that dishes out a 3-4 course rotating menu for up to four guests at B4,000 for the table—so just B1,000 per person (other set menus go as high as B3,490). The high-end ingredients and beautiful food is all there, but the menu isn’t set in stone. Since there is only one table per night, Chef Merlo approaches the A Tavola table similarly to the restaurant’s new Carta Bianca (a bespoke concept detailed below). Diners chat with the chef about their preferences, and he whips up an off-the-cuff menu from the day’s ingredients. Please note that, however many diners, the price stays fixed at B4,000 for the entire table.
*When you book a table of 4