Issue Date: 
Sep 6 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

Rich Teen Causes Deadly Road Accident and Pulls Over, Causing OutrageAt 9pm last night, the teenage son of a general lost control of his high-powered Porsche and ploughed through three people. “It was horrible. Body parts flew everywhere,” one bystander said. “But what he did next was really shocking. I’ve never ever heard of someone doing that.”According to eyewitness reports, the 19-year-old driver actually pulled over and called rescue services from his cell phone. When the police arrived at the scene, the young driver was still present, claiming he was responsible for the accident.“I kept pinching myself,” one taxi driver said. “Why didn’t he just leave like a normal person would? This is the most messed up thing I’ve ever seen.”The teen’s father was driven to the scene by the family’s driver who he then explained had actually been driving the Porsche. “Clearly, if my son had caused the accident, then he wouldn’t still be here,” the five-star general told police using impeccable logic.The police were quick to accept that it would be highly improbable anyone would stay at the scene after causing a deadly accident in Bangkok.“We could have taken care of this at his home, over coffee,” a police spokesman said. “Why wait around here in the heat with all this gore everywhere? If there had been a policemen involved, things would be different, but this was just a Burmese worker and a couple of stall owners. Why waste everyone’s time?”The family’s driver faces a 2-year suspended jail term and will have to compensate the victims’ families B100,000 each. The troubled 19-year-old will be forced to drive a Honda Jazz for six months.