Issue Date: 
Apr 19 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

Sixteen plus plus years of printing tales about this town,

Its shops, bars and restaurants and all that’s going down,

Xcitement (and typos!) on every last page,

Hanging out down at Zouk, trying not to show our age.

Unless we’re mistaken, that’s cause for celebration:

Name of party venue, telephone and service information.

Days past we’d have written about the weekend’s one gig,

Relied on Boat Quay and Orchard to find something big.

Every day now, though, we chance on some awesome new joint,

Drugs?! What? God no, just joking, that’s kind of our point!

This ain’t Time Out or Juice or Her World (or His),

Here we take nothing too seriously, ’cept telling it like it is,

Including discounting our ads and selling off our covers,

So as to keep printing the mag so y’all will still love us.

So let’s take the time to acknowledge what we’ve managed to bring you,

Umpteen tips, tales and tidbits to read on the loo.

E-version available now on our website!