This second and final installment of the latest adaptation of the notorious 1966 novel begins with Jan Dara (Mario Maurer), with his henchman Ken (Chaiyapon “New” Pupart) in tow, traveling back from Pichit to marry his stepfather Luang Wisanan’s (Sakarat Rithamrang) daughter, Kaew (Cho Nishino), who got pregnant with Boonlueng’s (Ratha “Yaya Ying” Pho-ngam) son, Kajorn (Nat Dephasadin Na Ayudhya), who ran away after discovering he and Kaew are actually long-lost brother and sister. Catch all that? Those familiar with the tale will be disappointed to find that, well, the plot is merely coincidental to a whole lot of gratuitous sex scenes. (Just like last year’s Jan Dara, The Beginning, then.)

In short, this film sees Jan, driven by his grandmother, manage to claim back all the possessions his stepfather tricked his mother’s family out of, and plot sweet revenge. Still, while he abhors Wisanan’s sex-obsessed and cruel behavior, he can’t help but turn out just like him—can he pull himself back before it’s too late?

While we thought last year’s first part failed to meet expectations, this is even worse. Jan Dara, Epilogue is an example of pure pointlessness. Among all the flesh, it’s hard to find any meaning to the story—and the acting (and the cast’s ghastly make-up) doesn’t help one bit. A fake moustache hardly makes Mario a seasoned actor. While arguably improved, his performance here isn’t quite there yet. Tuck Bongkoch’s (Na Vad, Jan’s aunt) acting is bland rather than sentimental; while Yaya Ying looks too young and, well, too buxom, for us to believe she is Boon Lueng. Last but not least, Cho Nishino is still a nightmare. Our two cents: If you really want to see the movie, having already watched the first part, don’t pay more than B100 per seat. And if you want really satisfying sex scenes, watch some porn for free at home.

Top Koaysomboon
Editor's Rating: 
Opening Date: 
Monday, February 18, 2013
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