Man of Steel
Submitted by falterego on Tue, 2013-06-25 11:18Starring:
Henry Cavill
Amy Adams
Russell Crowe
Kevin Costner
Diane Lane
Directed By:
Zach Snyder
The latest Superman film is shockingly dated. Despite the many technological advances made in the FX department (surely, this is one of the best-looking and realistic in the series) and the shakiest camerawork we’ve seen in a superhero movie (The Blair Witch Project or Cloverfield, anyone?), there is not much new here. What made the older films so charming, especially the ‘70s and ‘80s originals, were their believable lo-fi aesthetics (groundbreaking then) and Christopher Reeves, who had the acting smarts to make his Clark Kent memorable.
Opening Date:
Tue, 2013-06-25
Running Time:
2 hrs. 24 min.

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