Issue Date: 
Dec 9 2010 - 11:00pm
city living

We’ve been trying really hard all week to fill in all those xxxxxxxx’ed out bits in the wikileaks and we think we’ve nar- rowed it down somewhat. Working on an article from The Nation, our editorial team has come up with suggestions at what might fit into the blanked portions. Help us by crossing out what you think are the wrong guesses and send this back to us ASAP (by post, of course, we don’t trust email anymore):After an introductory ballroom dancing class / call / blind date with the X Defence Minister the US amabassador raised Factor concerns over the Russian hookers / testimony / ill-fitting suits provided by Chuwit / Ananda Everingham / his maid , a person who name was removed by WikiLeaks. Pavit committed to looking into his vast porn stash / a crystal ball / Bangkok Pundit’s latest post to determine the truth.The ambassador wrote in the first cable that they were disturbed by Bout’s moustache / Nicholas Cage imper- sonation / lovely blue eyes and that his Russian supporters were using money and influence to try to buy the World Cup / better vodka in Soi 2 / a no-extradition verdict . The most egregious example was the false testimony / wig / impression of Mickey Mouse / Napoleon / some-one’s secretary claiming Bout was in Thailand as part of a government-to-government submarine / frozen chicken for jets / Russian English teachers deal.The second leaked cable was sent after the primary court rejected the plan to shoot Lord of War 2 in Thailand / a caviar tin stuffed with cash / the offer of a threesome . The ambassador called the Foreign Minister immediately after the verdict on August 11 and expressed mild annoyance / befuddled amusement / heartfelt sym- pathy , claiming the verdict was not very funny / justified on legal grounds / written in verse. The ambassador told Kasit the United States needed the Foreign Ministry to lighten up dude and have a toke on this / leave Thailand within 48 hours / file an appeal .