Issue Date: 
Jan 4 2007 - 11:00pm
city living

In our continuing efforts to encourage understanding between people from different classes, genders, blood types and age groups, we introduce Pancake, our 15-year-old international school correspondent.Hey guys! Can I just say that this is like the coolest thing ever being able to write for BK?! Anyways, so it’s, like, the Year of the Pig. That doesn’t mean we should all go out and get fat or eat like pigs. Gross. Hell, no! It’s just a “symbol”—you know, like tanks are a symbol of democracy. Pigs are a symbol of cuteness—did you see Babe?—plus they’re smart and a lot like us. Did you know that medical students practice on pig organs because pigs are so much like humans? Like, literally. No joke.I know that’s kinda gross, too. I remember I used to cry when I heard that scientists test makeup on little bunnies. But now I’m older and understand that beauty always comes at a price. I mean, I love bunnies but, you know, do I want to look like Paris (total hotness) or Nicole (fu-u-gly)?Of course I care about the environment, too. Did you see that movie, An Inconvenient Truth? That guy Gore totally should have been president. Anyway, once my class went to paint the walls of this poor elementary school. We painted this cool “Think Earth” mural and some rainbows and stuff. But they didn’t have air-conditioning and you could, like, totally feel the global warming.I mean the air smelled like ass and it was so hot that my hair was all frizzy. What’s up with that? It took me three hours to get ready, and there I am painting this wall and people are taking pictures of me and I look like a maid or something.This guy Neung, who is a total hunk—ohmigosh you should have seen him in this tight vintage Greenpeace t-shirt—was there too. That sucked. But anyways he said that Mother Earth is our mother, and we have to stop hurting her. I can totally understand what it’s like, because it’s the opposite with me and my mom. I’m like supposed to be her most precious resource and she keeps hurting me.If it keeps getting hotter, the ocean will get higher and—hello!—Bangkok is, like, on a floodplain, people. Bye bye, Suwanabhumi. And our sweet vacation house in Hua Hin. Plus there would be no more OC because that takes place pretty close to the ocean.I mean, I don’t really have to worry about my future, but my friend Dan’s dad who’s like some totally big UN guy says that the worse the environment gets, the less high-paying jobs there will be. So global warming is, like, ALL of our problem.We need to stop killing the planet. Wake up and smell the ozone everybody!