Issue Date: 
Jan 12 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

Hey Peeps,It’s Pancake, your favorite dek inter. OMG, do you know that we have to study on Saturdays until like the end of the Mayan calendar to make up for flood days? WTF? Seriously. It didn’t flood in my street. I never even saw any water except the stuff in our jacuzzi. Geez. Like people are sooooo selfish these days!!!I’ll tell you who else is selfish and greedy! All those taxis and bus drivers who were like all bitchin about the price of NGV and blockin the roads. Excuse me? That exploding gas crap is already way cheaper than what I have to put into my Mini. (I’m not actually old enough to drive yet, but my parents say it’s OK if it’s during the day.) So yeah, taxi drivers should be thanking us for how all that NGV junk isn’t just banned everywhere—not just the parking lots at Paragon and CentralWorld.Actually, I kinda know how taxis feel. It’s like they’re on the sidewalk, in the pouring rain. And finally, Yingluck’s SUV pulls up. They’re like, “This is it! She’s gonna give me a full tank of free explosive gas!” She slows down and they ask, “Can you not raise the price of NGV?” And she doesn’t even look at them, just speeds off, splashing mud on their brand new taxi driver uniform. Ha! Well, welcome to the real world, Mr. Cab Driver! Now you totally know how the rest of Bangkok feels when you pull that stunt.OK, I actually never ride in cabs. Personally, I think they’re stealing jobs from honest drivers. And now Dad says the government wants to spend two gazillion baht on “infrastructure”? Well, what are we gonna do with new roads if they’re still all jammed up with gross colored taxis?And when it’s not NGV or the 1997 gazillion-baht debt (I wasn’t even born, puh-leez) my folks are winging about, it’s the price of the war in the South or the cost of the floods. Can we stop being so selfish and so obsessed with cash people? Go skiing, learn to fly a plane, go see how poor people live in Luang Prabang or Chiang Mai, redecorate your home—there’s more to life than money, you know. And if NGV’s really got you down, get a hybrid.Peace out xxxx, Pancake