Issue Date: 
Feb 10 2011 - 11:00pm
city living

It’s time for some soft power diplomacy. Instead of bombing the enemy, soft power diplomacy is when you make them really like you. For example, you could build them a school on the ruins of whatever you’ve bombed. Or apologize for the noise you made.Culture can be also be a form of soft power. The reason Laos will never start a fight with us is that they like our lakorn too much. Cambodians, on the other hand, are obviously not watching enough Thai TV. Otherwise, they would understand that to slap someone, is to start a slapfest, which usually ends up with everyone on the floor pulling tufts of each other’s hair out. The moral is, don’t start a fight if you’re not ready to end it without intervention (usually in the form of a stern, mildly annoyed male, or a United Nations Security Council meeting.)So let’s throw all our soft power at Cambodia. Let’s dump a ton of We (Heart) Preah Vihear tote bags on them (where the heart is discreetly composed of superimposed stripes not unlike those on the Thai flag). Let’s have a Preah Vihear event, where female bombshells and muscled metrosexuals stand on stage, under a We (Heart) Preah Vihear banner. Let’s interview these beautiful people about their undying passion for the temple’s unusual mix of koh ker and khleang styles: “Oh, Mario, did you see that pediment depicting the Churning of the Sea of Milk! It’s so lovely na ka.” And tears. Lots and lots of tears.Let’s have Tor Sornsrivichai shoot a clip, where sick children go to Preah Vihear and turn into birds. But in a funny way, and with a voiceover apologizing for, uh, well who cares—apologizing. Let’s have a website, and a Facebook page, and a Twitter account. Let’s have finger food and really nice dresses. Let’s train 99 cutely-dressed chihuahas to say “Visit Preah Vihear” really quickly, over and over again, while standing on their hind legs (instant OMG, LOL, VIRAL). Let’s show the world our heart, our feelings, the depth of our engagement. Let’s show that we mean business and will crush those who oppose us under our boots, but in a super nice, slightly freaky Bird Tongchai song kind of way.In the end, it doesn’t matter where Preah Vihear is. Did you know that Ireland is not in England? Neither did we. What matters is perception. And if we all join hands and love our temple hard enough, that’s stronger than all the tanks in Cambodia (yes, all six of them) combined.