Issue Date: 
May 25 2006 - 11:00pm
city living

Censorship…searching for WWII treasure…trouble in the South…war against drugs—don’t these sound a bit too familiar? Next thing you know Purachai will be back in town telling us what time we should go to bed. At least “alien jelly” is new.We know how those hamsters feel. Here we are, running our asses off, and we never seem to get anywhere. Can’t we just move on? Please? To get things started, here’s a list of things we could really do without.Nuisance libel suits. The legal system was not set up so that bad rich people can ruin the lives of good poor people who tell the truth.Influential figures skipping bail. You’re facing a murder charge. You have a few million dollars in a Swiss bank account. Would you come back?Pictures of security guards holding up their hands to stop photographers from taking pictures.Unscientific opinion polls conducted by pollsters asking leading questions.Ineffectual watchdog committees made up of old school chums of the people they’re supposed to be watching.Saying something is “against the Constitution” just because you don’t like it.“Re-enactments” of crimes for the cameras. Even if the suspects are innocent, they sure look guilty.Nasty people returning to public life after a couple of years in the monkhood or in a jungle somewhere. Forgiveness is overrated.Oil companies making more money during energy crises.