Issue Date: 
Nov 30 2006 - 11:00pm
city living

Quit your bitching. It’s been barely two-and-a-half months since the tanks rolled into Bangkok. Give those poor, unappreciated grandfathers at the Council for National Security a break, will ya? They’re busting their asses—it’s not like they’re sitting smoking joints and playing PSP or something. In fact, they’re spending their time, effort and money (well, our money, actually) tackling the problems that are most important to us. As in any other democracy, our leaders are just following the will of the people. And how do they know what we want? Well, they asked us, of course.Below are excerpts from interviews conducted around the country by members of the CNS.Piak, 48, farmer, Mahasarakam: “What do I want? Well, I owe a ton of money to the bank and loan sharks, because I can’t get a decent price for my rice. Last year I had to sell my land to the village headman—now I rent from him. He’s a real asshole, too. So I suppose it would be nice if the government could send someone to teach me how to grow more profitable crops. But you know what you guys should do first? I’m really concerned about all the sex and violence on TV these days—it’s just terrible. We really need a rating system or something.”Bee, 29, unemployed widow, Narathiwat: “I’ll be moving back to my parents’ shophouse soon, and taking my two kids with me—plus I got some money after my husband and eldest daughter were killed by insurgents—so I don’t really need anything, except for maybe a job. I used to cut hair, actually. But what would make me feel a hell of a lot better is if you could get rid of all those alcohol ads on TV. Our family—well, what’s left of it, anyway—likes to watch game shows together, and afterward all my son can talk about is how badly he wants a Leo beer or a sip of 100 Pipers. And he’s only four.”Dam, 36, taxi driver, Bangkok (but originally from Roi-et): “A ‘new constitution that will protect the rights of all citizens’? Sure, that’s a good idea. I’m all for it. Just like I’m all for raising the meter rates so that we could actually make a decent living. But you know what I really wish the junta would make a priority is a crackdown on all those illicit websites—especially the ones that let liberal academics question the actions of the CNS. I mean, that’s just unpatriotic.”Apple, 9, student, Mae Sai: “Well, I wish that I didn’t have to help my mom in the market every morning before school. Sometimes I’m so tired I fall asleep in class, and my grades are really bad this year. But after my dad was put in jail for being a ya ba mule, I was the only one who could help. I wish someone would do something about the mafia at the market—if they didn’t extort money from us mom could afford to hire someone. That’s not the most important thing, though. You should tackle the problem of ‘artists’ who offend Thai sensibilities with their paintings and plays and all that. Like that Somtow guy—he should be shot.”