Issue Date: 
Feb 16 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

The Ministry of Information, Communication and Magic has asked the former prime minister to stop texting the current prime minister. In an unverified leaked cable, the Ministry quoted a week’s worth of SMS harassment.Hi. Saw you had dinner with Prem. Well, if you see him again, tell him I want my CD collection back. Hope you guys had a great time. And thx for not inviting me.Congrats on still being little Miss Popular. Guess people really think you’re so much better than I am. Whatever. We still both get 50% no confidence, so no one really likes us :PHey, would you go on a national reconciliation date with me? Just kidding. Well, not really. Would you?Who were you with in that hotel room? I think we have a right to know.Was it Prem? Did you tell him about my CDs? I’m having secret meetings, too, today. Want to know with who?Do you have a plan for the floods? I bet you don’t have a plan.After the 2010 floods, we didn’t make a plan either, but that was just because we knew you’d be PM by the next floods. 555. Kidding. We’re not that smart. You do have a plan, don’t you?You’re going to visit the provinces? OMG, that’s so unfair. I have to stay here in Bangkok being the opposition while you get all the fancy trips.Remember how you took me on your flood trip last year? Can I come this year, too?You’re not answering any of my texts. Don’t they have cell phone coverage in the provinces?How is the weather in Ayutthaya? Did you pack your boots in case it rains? Sorry, I guess that joke is getting tired.Hey, I’m writing my comments about your flood plan. I’m going to say it sucks. Hope it really rains in Ayutthaya.OK, now why is Prem not answering my texts either? Did you tell him something about me?I’m giving you one last chance. You could at least ask for my opinion on the new constitution. I’m really good at this kind of stuff, you know. I studied all about it in England.Please. Hello?