Issue Date: 
Sep 7 2006 - 11:00pm
city living

It’s time once again to test your knowledge of current events with our patented monthly News Quiz. Pencils ready?Why were 674 Burmese and Karon laborers detained by the police at a gathering last week in Nakhon Pathom?a) Unpaid speeding tickets.b) They were all caught on tape jumping the turnstiles at Mor Chit BTS on their way out of town.c) They co-authored an article criticizing the current government.d) They were found drinking in an unlicenced pub after 2am.Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra got a security upgrade last week because:a) He finally collected enough points from McDonald’s Happy Meals.b) Every pimp must roll with at least 5 hos.c) Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew has at least 20 bodyguards. Do we want to look poor or what?d) He thinks car license plates without numbers are cooler than ones with numbers like 8888.Colorado prosecutors have dropped all charges against John Mark Karr in connection with the murder of JonBenet Ramsey because:a) Everyone’s afraid to be in the same room with him.b) He also admitted killing Lindsey Lohan, Haley Joel Osment and the Olsen Twins.c) John’s champagne’s selection on the TG flight is proof enough he isn’t a murderer.d) U.S. officials have granted Karr Thai citizenship in an attempt to fob him off on another country.e) The prosecutors are eagar to see how beautiful he’ll be post-op.Why are so many Bangkokians unconvinced of the authenticity of the attempt on the Caretaker Prime Minister’s life?a) The P.M. owns stock in Daewoo.b) They didn’t think of it themselves.c) He was seen shortly afterwards on the golf course joking about “that whole cooked-up bomb thing.”d) Who’d want to get rid of this PM when he’s around to take the blame for the economy?A group of scientists recently agreed that the planet Pluto is no longer a part of our solar system because:a) No one knows where the hell it is.b) It hasn’t been “playing nice” with all the other planets.c) Everyone thought it was creepy when it dressed itself in people clothes and tried to play with Mickey, even though it was a dog.d) Size does count, sucka!