
Poll writers over at ABAC have been working hard to spice up their questions and answers, while trying to maintain a totally neutral tone. To support them, we’ve come up with a few suggestions.

Issue Date: 
Dec 2 2010 - 11:00pm
city living

Poll writers over at ABAC have been working hard to spice up their questions and answers, while trying to maintain a totally neutral tone. To support them, we’ve come up with a few suggestions.1. Would you have liked to have been aborted before you were born?a. Sure.b. Does it hurt?c. Only if it’s fully refundable under the B30 healthcare scheme.d. Waargghgh! Sinners! Repent! (No.)2. Do you think article 190 of the constitution, which bars the secret PAD-Democrat axis of evil signing over vast swathes of the Kingdom to Hun Sen, should be amended?a. Not at all. In fact, can we start with Thonglor? I’m sick of prohibition-era cocktails and retro furniture.b. Is this Abhisit’s idea? If yes, then no. If not, then yes.c. Let’s burn Suvarnabhumi to a crisp and live in huts in Preah Vihear!d. The constitution should be drafted by extraterrestrials and generals, not real people.3. Should the Democratic Party have been dissolved plunging the world into the eternal flames of hell?a. No way. What’s B26 million among friends? You can’t even get a square meter at Mahanakorn for that.b. Yes, for at least 30 seconds. And grounded for a week with no dessert.c. Wouldn’t an election would be a cheaper way to get rid of them.d. Yes! Who needs parties? Isn’t the CRES running this joint anyway?4. What do you think of criticism over our honorable judges YouTube video performances?a. They do need a better soundtrack. And where were the wigs? Oh, and dancing hamsters.b. What judges? What clips? What’s YouTube? A new reality show? Are you recording me?c. I’d like to be given some time to reflect on this and will get back to you by Nov 2011.d. ohmygod3009 definitely needs to up their game. Copy the Shaytards: hold the camera really close to your face, make funny voices, smile a lot.