Issue Date: 
Dec 21 2006 - 11:00pm
city living

This is it, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: the final news quiz of 2006. Pencils ready?Which of the following products will soon have warning labels:a. Snack food.b. Sports equipment.c. Credit cards.d. Condoms.Why was the Million Cows Project scrapped?a. Cows don’t vote.b. Steakhouses never really caught on in Bangkok like they have in other cities.c. Complaints about greenhouse gas emissions.d. More potential with Million Kangaroos Project.Who is Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2006?a. “Coupman,” a new Thai superhero.b. Borat.c. Justin Timberlake.d. A cheap mirror.According to the Asian Development Bank, what is killing more than half a million people in Asian cities every year?a. Too much freedom.b. Air pollution.c. Durian.d. Hip hop.The current shift in power can be best described as:a. Police to Army.b. Alumni of Suankularb College to alumni of St. Gabriel’s College.c. Young to old.d. Evil to good.Why are undercover police being asked to change how they dress?a. “Top Cop” amulets were giving them away.b. Officers with shaved heads and tattoos are being mistaken for waiters.c. They’re setting a bad example by wearing imported clothes.d. Their skirts are too short to hide their guns.