Issue Date: 
Nov 22 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

This weekend, we’re having a censure debate. What is a censure debate, you ask? We have no idea. What we do know is that this could determine whether or not the airport gets crowded with angry aunties come year-end. That is why it is your civic duty to speak to your friends, be they Pitak Siam or the Red Shirts, and explain that they should probably stay home this weekend.

Argue that home is the new hotbed of revolution: Twitter, Facebook, that’s what drove the Arab Spring, not people cluttering up the streets. We know you’ve got all those apps on your phone but good luck setting up a Facebook page from the iPhone app. And have you tried photoshopping Yingluck’s head onto Thaksin’s body (or is it the other way around?) using Snapseed? Can’t be done. With a Galaxy Note, you could probably draw a funny Elvis pompadour haircut on Generalissimo Boonlert Kaewprasit but he’s already got one so why bother. Honestly, home is where the digital revolution’s at. And you can do it with the air-con cranked up.

Besides, Yingluck has just met with a zillion heads of state in the past two weeks. The world is finally starting to recognize her. A new prime minister would have catastrophic effects on Brand Thailand®. It would be the diplomatic equivalent of telling Scandinavians that tourists who get raped in the Kingdom probably deserve it—not that we’d ever be dumb enough to do anything like that.

Now, we’re not against change per se. It’s just that we’d like things to slow down. We’d like our PMs to have enough time to do something meaningful during their brief, chaotic terms. Yingluck has already watched over a major transition in the Kingdom, getting us to switch from Pepsi to Est, so just think what she could accomplish if given another 12 months. What if she got us to switch from Johnnie Walker to Sangsom? Think of the benefits to our domestic economy.

In closing, dear readers, tell your protesting brethren to take a chill pill. Winter is coming and you know how long that lasts—about 72 hours on a good year. Keep your eyes on the prize (beer towers on week days) and enjoy the good life while it lasts.