Issue Date: 
Dec 28 2006 - 11:00pm
city living

Dear Loong Maew,Happee new year!!! It's me again. I'm Daeng, 8!!!  Remember befor I was onlee 7, but it was my birthday in Setember so now I am 8. We had a party at my house and we even had ice cream. Chocolate is my favorit. Sorry I did not rite u for a long time. Where are u now??? I miss u a lot. I think my Dad missus u a lot, 2. He stil talks abowt u sumtime. He says u mus be in London. He said it is cold there, like yor heart. My Dad is so funee! 555  Last week he said that u and your friens play with the stok market to make evrywon panik. That must be fun!  Sumday maybe I will half munee and I can make the stok market go up and down, 2. But first I wud help my Mom and Dad so they dont half to wurk evry day. U no what? There is a new pry ministur. He was in the armee befor. Maybee I wil rite to him sumday. Is that OK?  Dont be mad, na.  I am stil yor gud frien, but I dont no wen u wil come bak to Thailand. Here, I dru another pitcher of u.U luk happee now becaus u dont half to wurk anymor. =)If u want to send me munee 4 my birthday that wuld be kool. Or maybe sumthing from Harrod's. I love u.              Love,Yor frien,Daeng, 8PS - Gud luk with yor taxes!