Issue Date: 
Feb 1 2007 - 11:00pm
city living

And you thought the Merlion sporting sunglasses last year was jarring. Singapore Airlines (SIA) recently invited ad agencies to propose a revamp of the Singapore Girl, the company’s iconic stewardess.As the Singapore Girl has been around for 35 years, we knew that the very idea of altering this mainstay in any drastic way would draw flak from critics. We reckon SIA’s best bet is to make our Singapore Girl even more Singaporean! After all, we want someone that we can really relate to, right?Here’s what we’ve come up with:Pink ShortsThe style du jour of heartland girls, these shorts will keep that sex appeal going—albeit less subtly. It will also make maneuvering around the aircraft cabin that much easier.Big Ol’ Auntie BagLV luggage would seem a bit out of place with the rest of this ensemble, no? The way we see it, if aunties can use their bags to transport tons of groceries and other oddities, Singapore Girls would find them just as useful.“Lah” T-shirtIf there’s anything more Singaporean than Singlish, we’d like to know what it is. We guarantee that the giant “Lah” adorning this simple white tee will become an instant talking-point.The Kopi, Lah!Coffee served in plastic bags to reduce the cost of SIA’s rebranding exercise.SlippersWe figure that if the Singapore Girl is going to have to serve food to you in a potentially turbulent flight, while still keeping a smile on her face, then at least let them have the comfort of wearing flip-flops. Bright pink nail polish is optional.
