Issue Date: 
Nov 29 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

The Twitter account @therealboonlert has only six followers so you may have missed it, but the general’s timely tweets provided us with some of the best coverage of last weekend’s rally.
One million people on their way to overthrow govt. Let’s freeze this country! #pitakparty #awesome
@therealboonlert After we overthrow govt, we will replace it with totally #awesome people with good hearts! #simple #awesome
@therealboonlert You know it’s going to be a good day when they call in the Internal Security Act. #pitakparty #awesomness
@therealboonlert Damn Apple maps. Am so lost. Government House is the one with the Emerald Buddha or the Italian looking place? #iphonehate
@therealboonlert Am following some aunties who say they know where the party’s at. I think one of them likes me. Rally sites = #action #awesome
@therealboonlert There are like five people here. Did people not get my facebook invite? #wtf
@therealboonlert Just been told police are releasing cobras into the crowd. Total buzz kill. Starting to feel a bit scared now.
@therealboonlert Rain? Seriously? Ah come on, God! I’m trying to throw an #awesome rally here. Whose side are you on?
@therealboonlert Chicks not so hot and there’s no beer. Looks like I’m not getting laid tonight. #notcool
@therealboonlert Cops are being total dicks. Shot tear gas at us. We’re here to overthrow the government, not start a war! #peaceoutpeople
@therealboonlert Wife called. Latest episode of Homeland just finished downloading. #awesome Should really be heading back soon.
@therealboonlert I am soaked down to my pants. This is stupid. Calling the whole thing off. I quit.
@therealboonlert Can’t find a cab. Anyone want to give me a lift? #bangkoktraffic