Issue Date: 
Nov 8 2012 - 11:00pm
city living

What a week it’s been, with so many things to worry about on the international stage: US elections, new president in China, Thaksin in Myanmar, Myanmar’s president in Thailand, Yingluck in Laos, Bali and the UK... For a second there, we thought we’d actually have to acknowledge the fact that Thailand isn’t the world’s only nation.Thank God that’s all over and Xi Jinping is safely in the White House. Now we can all focus our energy on what is actually the most important election in our lives since Yingluck showed up on our doorsteps: the governor’s election.So, yeah, the governor’s election. Lots to talk about, here. Lots going on.Actually, can we get back to you on that, because the governor’s term doesn’t run out until Jan 11, 2013, so really that leaves plenty of time to find a replacement. And the governor hasn’t actually done anything in the past four years, so it’s not like the election has to take place right the minute his term is up. Yes, it means this city won’t have a governor, not even in name, for an indeterminate amount of time but frankly we can sleep in our incomplete futsal stadiums ourselves if we really need to. Or have homeless people do it (for free!).Not that we’re blaming this on His Graciousness Sukhumbhand Paribatra. He at least has expressed interest in the position. Pheu Thai, on the other hand, is just taking it easy on this one. Just, you know, waiting for someone to step forward and say they quite like Bangkok, are not adverse to holding public office and would be OK with running for governor as long as it’s not full-time and they can still keep their day job.We’re sorry if you’ve been looking at the US elections thinking you’d be getting this kind of attention when your time comes around, Bangkok. It’s just not going to happen. No one cares about that disgruntled anti-Pheu Thai vote you’ll cast for Sukhumbhand, or even that disgruntled anti-establishment vote you’ll cast against Sukhumbhand. This is one election where even the candidates can’t be bothered to show up.