1. Cheese tarts became the new macarons


2. The Mahakan Fort community finally lost its fight...


3. … As did so many of downtown’s street vendors


4. Everyone went crazy at a dentist in America


5. Our female weightlifters killed it


6. Bulbasaur, Jigglypuff and Snorlax showed up on the streets of Bangkok…


7. ...A terrifying danger which the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission wanted banned IMMEDIATELY


8. Cosmo, Image, Life… Bangkok magazines finally got the message print is dying


9. We elected a new constitution 


10. An ogre taking selfies caused cultural outrage


11. S&P took on the hipsters with SNP Headquarter


12. Truckloads of dinosaurs brought Bangkok to gridlock


13. Drunk Songkran drivers killed 442 people—up 21 percent on their efforts last year


14. The Purple Line opened, literally no one used it, it slashed its prices, and still literally no one used it


15. Octopus replaced tomahawk steak as every restaurant’s must-have dish


16. Beard Papa’s returned, bringing its creamy balls of choux pastry with it


17. Bill Gates bitched about our overground cables on social media, some generals made a noise about it in public, and then the whole thing got forgotten


18. We waved goodbye to our Gubernatorial Graciousness 


19. Mrs Universe Thailand rocked the worst costume ever


20. Motorbike taxi apps came, got taken away, came back, and now we’re not sure what the deal is


21. Mahanakhon staged a massive opening show but didn’t actually open


22. Glico ice cream turned up in Bangkok 7-Elevens, causing outrage in the provinces


23. Godiva, IHOP and Ben & Jerry’s arrived and drove us crazy


24. Our morning orange juice sellers were outed for using an additive even sweeter than sugar


25. Spanish­­­­ food became the new Mexican food


26. A park, an amulet trader and some statues caused a whole heap of trouble in Hua Hin


27. Balenciaga ripped off our shopping bags


28. BBQ Plaza caused a culinary sensation with a new frying pan and a sexy advert


29. 1,600 chubby papier mache pandas took over Sanam Luang. Everyone Instagrammed. 


30. Superstar chefs Masaharu Morimoto and Jamie Oliver brought their global brands to town


31. The tiger temple finally closed down


32. Trampoline parks bounced into town and began to breed


33. Disclosure and Blood Orange proved artists under 40 do sometimes visit Bangkok


34. The Commons and 72 Courtyard made community malls cool again


35. The closure of Moose, The Overground and Hemingway’s left a hole for local live music


36. Louis Vuitton plucked a temple boy from Kanchanaburi and made him a fashion model


37. Laser tag became the latest symptom of ‘90s revival fever


38. True Visions pulled Motel Mist from cinemas, though it finally made it to our screens


39. The internet blew up with a false rumor that Tomorrowland might come to Thailand


40. The nation came together and mourned the loss of our beloved monarch