Week of October 14, 2005

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) Columnist L.M. Boyd told the story of Mark Gubin, a photographer whose business was located near Milwaukee’s airport. A lover of pranks, Gubin decorated his roof with a giant sign that read “Welcome to Cleveland.” Countless passengers arriving in Milwaukee by plane were amused and confused by the greeting. I suspect that a similar event will occur in your life this week, Libra. As you arrive at your new destination, you’ll get signals that lead you to believe you’re not where you thought you were. Ignore the misdirection.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Oct 13 - 23:00

Week of September 30, 2005

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) It will be a good week to Google yourself, ask people point blank to tell you how much they need you and brag about yourself with extravagant gusto. In fact, Libra, you now have cosmic license to celebrate your glories in a hundred ways. Why not buy yourself special gifts, gaze into the mirror longer than usual, and yes, even make love with yourself? (If your religious beliefs regard the latter as a sin, simply touch yourself in unsinful ways.)

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Sep 29 - 23:00

Week of September 23, 2005

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22) There are still unexplored areas of the world - Antarctica, Papua New Guinea, and the Amazon, for instance - but every square foot of Europe and North America has been charted, right? Wrong. Dick McDermott, a 92-year-old hiker, recently discovered a previously unknown 400-foot waterfall in the California wilderness. It's not on the map, and even the rangers of the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area were unaware of it. I predict you will soon enjoy a comparable find, Libra.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Sep 22 - 23:00

Week of September 16, 2005

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22): The planetary omens for you are all about revelation and flashes of insight, so I don't think I'm being too outrageously optimistic when I predict that the coming days will bring you more "aha!" experiences than you've had in the past four months combined. In fact, I'll be bold and call this Eureka Explosion Week.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Sep 15 - 23:00

Week of September 9, 2005

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22): You don’t want to have to answer to the past, right? It’s a waste of time. Nor do you even feel like rebelling against the way things used to be or rejecting the stale old expectations people would like to hold you to. I don’t blame you, Virgo - especially now, as you enter the frontier zone where the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. The way I see it, it’s your sacred duty to shake off all the sacred duties from yesteryear as you go forth to create the future.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Sep 8 - 23:00

Week of September 2, 2005

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22): You have weathered a turning point in your relationship with darkness and will never again be tempted by its strange attractions. Did you hear what I said? You have had your last encounters with hellish monsters that unleash torment for the fun of it. You will never again get mixed up with events that resemble crawling through caverns filled with the souls of the damned. In the future, you may on occasion have weird dreams about owls and spiders and snakes, but they will be GOOD weird. Congrats, Virgo.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Sep 1 - 23:00

Week of August 26, 2005

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Who did you start out to be, Virgo? It’s time to remember that. I urge you to muse about the ways you could benefit from renewing a connection to your origins. Revisit your earliest sources of truth. Think about whether you’re still on track to become the person you knew you could be when your vision was still fresh and innocent.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Aug 25 - 23:00

Week of August 19, 2005

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): A company’s CEO is its chief executive officer and the CFO is its chief financial officer. Even if you already serve in one of those roles, I’ll ask you to give yourself a different title for at least the next two weeks: CVO, or chief visionary officer. In fact, please become an excitable purveyor of thrillingly out-of-the-box ideas no matter what line of work you’re in, or even if you’re unemployed. It’s time for you to dream up possibilities that have been inconceivable until now.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Aug 18 - 23:00

Week of August 12, 2005

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22) “Dear Dr. Brezsny: I was wondering if you had any information about Beyonders, people who were born under no star and who are therefore not ruled by the stars. - Leo Goddess, aka Wannabe Beyonder.” Dear Wannabe: It’s impossible to be born under no star. However, it’s true that periodically we all go through periods when we’re relatively free from the authority of the stars we were born under. During these times, we’re less susceptible to the whims of fate, the demands of the past and the compulsions of karma. Our willpower has more breathing room.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Aug 11 - 23:00

Week of July 15, 2005

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22) During my years in college, I enjoyed watching the evolution of Richard, a shy geek in my creative writing classes. Long before he penned a single good poem, he was a bohemian art poseur. On his backpack there was a button with the image of rock poet Patti Smith. He often wore a T-shirt bearing a quote from poetry icon Allen Ginsberg, and he was never without his book of Rimbaud poems. Everywhere I went I saw him scribbling ostentatiously in his journal as he chain-smoked clove cigarettes.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2005 Jul 14 - 23:00