It's pretty easy to feud over whether the East or West coast reigns supreme. The East has awesome beaches and parks, but the West also has cool new malls. 

Here's another reason to be diplomatic: The Broll Face is trying to end this coastal feud by uniting us over something we all love. Cafes. It targets people living on either coast to make a trek down to cafes on the opposite end of the island and for their efforts, you get up to 20% of discounts at participating cafes.

So far, West coast cafes include Jimmy Monkey, Dutch Colony Coffee at The Grandstand and Bucktile St., while Easties have Holqa, Dutch Colony Cafe at Frankel Ave. and Carvers & Co. Just show the cafes your postal code and enjoy 10% off.

Keep a look out to see whether your postal code is eligible through their Facebook page.