Directed by Olivier Megaton; starring Zoe Saldana, Michael Vartan and Callum Blue

“The movie is like a lady who can’t choose between two suitors: the campy and fun one, or the serious and cliché one.” Grae Drake,

“There are some early comic moments that have you laughing along with the movie, but eventually the clashing tones and preposterousness just have you laughing [at it].” Mike Hale, New York Times

“We all love a steamy pile of frivolous nonsense now and then, but it has to move quickly or we lose interest, like a joke that stops being funny.” Eric D. Snider,

“Deprived of details, Megaton expects us to subsist on action alone, but it’s not enough to fill the void left by the absence of story.” Thomas Leupp,

“Possibly worth seeing if you are 13.” Nick Pinkerton, Village Voice

“Megaton blows things up, demolishes a fruit market, and throws in some parkour foot-chases as if he’s completing a checklist.” Wesley Morris, Boston Globe

“The star’s dangerously low weight is only the start of its problems.” Rob Vaux,


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