Playwright/director/actor Maurizio Mistretta tells us about All Soul Production, the city’s latest theater company and its debut production Khamoey!, a trilogy based on Albert Camus’ play Caligula.

Tell us about All Soul Production.
All Soul Production is a cultural and exhibition center in Bangkok. We aim to promote culture and art through activities of production. We’re a team of multicultural experts from different fields of art. We also provide performing art classes and we’ve just opened a cozy restaurant serving Italian and Thai fusion, too.

Why did you choose to do Albert Camus’ Caligula?
My interest has always been the actuality and sincerity of classic plays written by the greatest of the European writers. Camus’ Caligula is a beautiful script full of intelligence and poetry. It is also funny in some parts. The play is really modern and adaptable to the present international situation. If you look at Italy now, how different is it from what happened under the reign of Caligula? How close is the fight for power and the craziness of the leader(s) that Camus described in his piece of work to our reality—in Italy and elsewhere in the world?

We heard this show will also be a social experiment. How is it so?
Everybody in the audience will be asked to participate in the show one way or another. That’s all I can tell you. Of course, we will still have our main actors, Patchanee Poonthong, Robin Schroeter and myself.

Can you tell us about the next two episodes?
The second episode, titled Som Nam Na! You Deserve it, Te lo Meriti!, will be staged in March and May. We will be using the same format that we developed for Khamoey!, but we are also introducing new elements as well as inspiring more audience participation. It will get just a bit crazier before the final episode, Caligula Baa Pai Laew!, in June. Basically these three episodes are a creative work-in-progress for two upcoming productions: the classic part of Caligula which will be presented towards the end of 2011 and In Thailand We Can!, a mute comedy about Thailand.

Keeping the Khamoey! (Thieves! Ladri!) on stage at ALL Soul.


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