Led by vinyl collectors DJ Maft Sai and Chris Menist, the Paradise Bangkok series routinely brings Thai and expat hipsters to their feet with an urban revival of Thai rural country genres luk thoog and molam. And now, we're excited to report, the party headquarters, Studio Lam, is paying a little visit to Singapore for a mini-taste of their very dance-y, string-y, world-y sound.

The Studio Lam takeover at Potato Head Folk on Mar 4 will involve Thai country beats, potent herbal ya dong shots and cocktails and lots of dancing. Sadly, there won't be any visits from 1970s and 1980s molam legends or any back-up from the Europe-touring, semi-electric Paradise Bangkok International Molam Band, as there are in Bangkok, but here's hoping it'll be at least half as fun as this (entry is free, besides):