The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) just announced the winners of Thailand's Best Astronomy Photography of the Year 2015 competition. Now in its eighth year, the contest welcomed more than 350 submissions from 150 amateur Thai photographers, capturing such sky phenomena as the Trifid Nebula, the Milky Way and the Aurora. Here are the winners in five categories:
Natural Astronomical Views Category
Award Winner: Wiratch Sawasdee, "Millions Stars and the Milky Way at Doi Kham Fah (ดาวนับล้านกับทางช้างเผือกที่ดอยค้ำฟ้า)”
1st Runner-Up: Tossaporn Sahakool, "The Great World Heritage (มรดกโลกล้ำเลิศ)”
2nd Runner-Up: Apisit Wilaijit, "The Heaven Stream (ธารสวรรค์)"
Consolation Prize: Nuttawut Wittawaschutikul, "Drip Net Lift Up the Milky Way (ยอยักษ์ยกช้าง)"
Phenomena in the Earth's Atmosphere Category
Award Winner: Paranyu Pittayarangsarit, "Elysium (สรวงสวรรค์)"
1st Runner-Up: Witsawa Jongphaipool, “Crepuscular Rays”
2nd Runner-Up: Prapon Leenakitti, “Moon Dog at Mae Hiah”
Consolation Prize: Suradej Sutheethorn, “Going Home”
Deep Sky Objects Category
Award Winner: Tragoolchitr Jittasaiyapan, “The Trifid Nebula”
1st Runner-Up: Keerati Komkongyou, “The Eta Carinae Nebula”
2nd Runner-Up: Banyat Chuaykhohng, “Andromeda”
Consolation Prize: Sit Sitthai, “Center of Milky Way”
Astronomical Phenomena Category
Award Winner: Keerati Komkongyou, “Smiling-Moon at Golden Temples at Phitsanulok”
1st Runner-Up: Wisawa Jongpaiboon, “Geminids Meteor Shower”
2nd Runner-Up: Noppadol Intarapinij, "Lunar eclipse on Pisanulok Sky 2015"
Consolation Prize: Sith Sitthai, “Venus Near Jupiter 2015”
Objects in the Solar System Category
Award Winner: Trakuljitr Jityasaiyapan, “Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2”
1st Runner-Up: Sith Sitthai, “Mars Orbit near Earth 2014”
2nd Runner-Up: Keerati Kongkamyoo, “Lovejoy Q2 2014 Comet in Thailand”
Consolation Prize: Pinrat Panpradit, “Lunar Tycho Crater and the Others”