15 things Songkran survivors really think about Songkran in Bangkok We hope you made it out on time. 8 years ago city living By BK staff | Apr 08, 2016 We hope you made it out on time. By BK staff | Apr 08, 2016 1. Why didn't I buy my plane tickets sooner? 2. People who put ice in water = Killing Small Animals = Serial Killers. 3. What the government thinks Songkran should be. 4. How many new rules they come up with each year. 5. What it ends up being anyway no matter what. 6. Touch my face again with that mud and I will hurt you. 7. Says a lot about Pattaya that they actually drag this on until Apr 19. 8. This weather. It is not natural. 9. Rush hour on Apr 13. 10. Every single restaurant in my neighborhood. 11. My diet. 12. How I feel getting to the 7-Eleven. 13. Where my iPhone will be on Apr 13. 14. The amount of work I will get done at the office this month. 15. The amount of work I will get done at the office next month. (Long weekends, yay!) Advertisement Latest News BTS services temporarily suspended following Bangkok tremors Announcement does not include a time when operations will be restored. 2 days 16 hours ago city living News Bangkok celebrated its first Southeastern Old-Time Gathering at Public House Fiddlers, banjo players, storytelling, and a host of old-time from around Asia. 1 month 2 weeks ago city living News White Claw will be available in Bangkok 7-Elevens this week Ain’t no laws when you’re drinking claws—except obviously the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008. 1 month 3 weeks ago city living News Leave a Comment New Places The Shoyu Stand Restaurant Kiri Tsukemen Restaurant Tsu Na Gu Restaurant