How did nudity become your preferred medium?

It’s really easy and fast. If I see something worth shooting then I can just grab my phone and take the photos. It’s just your pure self and nature.

How did you start this project?

I’ve always been interested in nature and have always been environmentally friendly. Two years ago I decided to go out into both natural and polluted places and contrast them with nudity.

Tell us your work process. How do you pick a location?

First I come up with the message I want to convey and then choose the location accordingly. Sometimes I just go wherever I want to and shoot my photos. Once I arrive at the location, I ask for permission from the nearby chaobaan (locals), then I have to wait for the perfect moment when there are not a lot of people around to take my clothes off. It’s as easy as that. My photographer friends, Kittapong Chaiprathum and Nattavot Boonjuang, take the photos for me with either my iPhone or a full camera setup.

With locals nearby, is it embarrassing?

No. Well, my friends have seen every part of me so I’m definitely not embarrassed when I’m with them. But obviously it does get quite intimidating when there are people just staring from afar too.

It must be difficult to be a nude artist in conservative Thailand. What problems have you encountered?

Some people just see my work as salacious and obscene, but I can’t do anything about that. Being nude allows me to become closer to nature. It’s all about connecting people back to nature. People can take it anyway they see fit. Some might see it as impactful and understand that I’m trying to send a message about global warming, but then there are definitely some conservatives that see it as obscene and overlook the underlying message entirely.

Why global warming?

It’s a global conflict. Natural disasters in Thailand are so obvious. There are fewer winter days, longer summers and abnormal rainfall patterns. Who knows what will happen in the future if we don’t start taking action now. Thais can be ignorant of big global issues. I’m trying to generate more awareness.

What are you working on next?

My next photo will be taken at a khlong (canal). Eventually, I want to create an exhibition of the hundreds of photos I’ve taken and someday showcase them abroad. It depends if I can find sponsors though.