To add insult to injury after the 25% increase on alcohol taxes, Singapore has officially been named the world’s most expensive city by the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) report on The Worldwide Cost of Living. Not only will we be shedding non-alcoholic tears, we also won’t be able to wear clothes while doing it. This report stated that shopping, cars, and utility bills here are the most expensive in the world, as well.

On top of being one of the cleanest and most orderly, apparently, we are a nation that likes lists and being ranked. Recently, we were placed 150th out of 180 countries on the Press Freedom Ranks. The good news is, we went from almost last to the top of the world!

Here are the other super-expensive cities in the world's "elite":

1. Singapore
2. Paris
3. Oslo
4. Zurich
5. Sydney
6. Tokyo

Despite having the most millionaires per capita, Singapore also has the second biggest inequality gap, according to the report. The time is ripe for some Robin Hood action here, we think. Click here for more on the EIU report.