Issue Date: 
Jan 23 2014 - 11:00pm
city living

Bangkok—In the wake of PDRC speakers proudly claiming to be the most stylish protests in the world, international style-makers Suzy Menkes and Bryan Boy met at TCDC today in a bid to find a solution to Thailand’s fashion impasse. 

Filipino star blogger Bryan Boy opened by declaring his strong support for the protesters. “This is not red, this not yellow, this is the new bling, honey. The lamé caps are just gorgeous, the finely-chiseled whistles are amazing. This is the height of style. Thailand has the world’s most stylish protesters, end of story.”

Suzy Menkes, of the International New York Times, disagreed. “I think this is a step backward for Thai fashion. The Abhisit flip-flops of the Red Shirts were playful, ironic, with a sense of irreverence. But this is all so bourgeois. So, ‘Look at me.’”

The Bangkokian audience seemed mostly united in the feeling that Menkes, as a Westerner, cannot possibly understand Thai fashion, while Bryan Boy’s pro-protester support was met with lots of enthusiastic whistling.

“You can’t apply Western fashion interpretations to this protest. This is all about starting over from scratch!” said one impassioned Thai student in the crowd, sporting a velvet fedora with red-white-and-blue ribbons and a Swarovski-studded shutdown logo.

“Nothing is new, darling,” Menkes replied. “Fedoras were made by Borsalino in Italy and lost popularity in the 1940s, just when Mussolini sided with Hitler...” she explained, only to be cut off by Bryan Boy. “Oh, who cares,” the flamboyant blogger replied. “All this old Euro crap doesn’t apply to us. This is Asia!”

Another audience member suggested maybe we just let people vote with their feet, allowing them to choose whatever they want to wear. “Nuh-h uh, that never works, honey,” Bryan Boy quipped. “If we didn’t tell you what to wear, things would just spin out of control. It would be a bloody mess.”


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