Freewill Astrology, Week of February 28, 2014

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): In the 1997 film Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery, the lead character announces that "'Danger' is my middle name." Ever since, real people in the UK have been legally making "Danger" their middle name with surprising regularity. I think it would be smart fun for you Pisceans to add an innovative element to your identity in the coming days, maybe even a new middle name. But I recommend that you go in a different direction than "Danger." A more suitable name might be "Changer," to indicate you're ready to eagerly embrace change.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Feb 27 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of February 14, 2014

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): There are 15,074 lakes in Wisconsin, but more than 9,000 of them have never been officially named. That's strange to me. In my view, everything is worthy of the love that is bestowed by giving it a name. I have named every tree and bush in my yard, as well as each egret that frequents the creek flowing by my house. I understand that at the Findhorn community in northern Scotland, people even give names to their cars and toasters and washing machines. According to researchers in the UK, cows that have names are happier: They produce more milk.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Feb 13 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of February 7, 2014

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Do you feel oppressed by Valentine's Day? Maybe you're single and reject the cultural bias that says being in an intimate relationship is the healthy norm. Or maybe you're part of a couple but are allergic to the cartoonish caricatures of romance that bombard you during the Valentine marketing assault. If you'd rather consecrate love and intimacy in your own unique way, untainted by the stereotypes flying around, I invite you to rebel. Make this the year you overthrow the old ways and start a new tradition: Valentine's Day 2.0.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Feb 6 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of January 31, 2014

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Back in 2002, three young men launched Youtube, in part motivated by a banal desire. They were frustrated because they couldn't find online videos of the notorious incident that occurred during the Superbowl halftime show, when Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction exposed her breast. In response, they created the now-famous website that allows people to share videos. I foresee the possibility of a comparable sequence for you, Aquarius.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Jan 30 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of January 24, 2014

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Extravagant wigs became fashionable for a while in 18th-century England. They could soar as high as four feet above a woman's head. Collections of fruit might be arrayed in the mass of hair, along with small replicas of gardens, taxidermically stuffed birds, and model ships. I would love to see you wear something like that in the coming week. But if this seems too extreme, here's a second-best option: Make your face and head and hair as sexy as possible.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Jan 23 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of January 17, 2014

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) has had a major impact on the development of ideas in the Western world. We can reasonably divide the history of philosophy into two eras: pre-Kantian and post-Kantian. And yet for his whole life, which lasted 79 years, this big thinker never traveled more than ten miles away from Konigsberg, the city where he was born. He followed a precise and methodical routine, attending to his work with meticulous detail. According to my analysis, you Capricorns could have a similar experience in the coming weeks.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Jan 16 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of January 10, 2014

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Metaphorically speaking, you have recently come into possession of some new seeds. They are robust. They are hardy. They have the potential to grow into big, strong blooms. So when should you plant them, metaphorically speaking? I'm going to suggest that you wait a while longer. It wouldn't be bad for them if you sowed them right now, but I think their long-term vitality will be even greater if you postpone the planting for at least a week. Two weeks might be better. Trust your intuition.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Jan 9 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of January 3, 2014

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Can you guess what combination of colors makes the most vivid visual impact? Psychologists say it's black on yellow. Together they arrest the eye. They command attention. They activate a readiness to respond. According to my reading of the astrological omens, this is the effect you can and should have in the coming weeks. It's time for you to draw the best kind of attention to yourself. You have a right and a duty to galvanize people with the power of your presence.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2014 Jan 2 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of December 27, 2013

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Would you be interested in a motto that will help set the tone for you in 2014? I've got a suggestion that's in alignment with the astrological omens. It's from a poem by Margaret Atwood. Try saying this and see if it works for you: "Last year I abstained / this year I devour / without guilt / which is also an art." If you choose to make this affirmation your own, be sure you don't forget about the fact that devouring without guilt is an art—a skill that requires craft and sensitivity.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2013 Dec 26 - 23:00

Freewill Astrology, Week of December 20, 2013

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): "We don't accomplish our love in a single year as the flowers do," says Rainer Maria Rilke in the Duino Elegies. Do you promise to take that truth into consideration in 2014, Sagittarius? Will you pledge to diligently devote yourself to creating the right conditions for love to flourish? In the past, you may not have been fully able to carry out this slow-building marvel; you may not have had quite enough wise perseverance. But you do now.

city living
Rob Brezsny
Issue Date: 
2013 Dec 19 - 23:00