Reeves Bindery

Learn traditional hand-binding techniques, basic book arts and book restoration.  

ABOUT: Charum ”Reeves” Gadeerojana is a blogger who spent two years in Poland to study in-depth traditional hand-binding techniques. Returning to Bangkok, his hope was to teach a friend or two these skills, but eventually he decided to start up this proper workshop covering subjects ranging from basic book arts to book restoration.  

CLASSES: Classes cover many bookbinding styles, like coptic, Polish, German and French, each of which are offered at three levels, from basic to advanced (1 day, from B4,500). For beginners who want to get the whole picture, we recommend the “How To Make a Book” class, which covers five bookbinding techniques, namely origami, accordion, single sheet, case and chain stich binding (2 days, B5,000), and the “All About Coptic” class (1 day, B4,500). Others include “Book & Art,” which teaches you how to bind as well as design books that resemble a secret box or incorporate a secret drawer, as well as use collage techniques and other materials like wood and lace (1 day, B4,500). Paper design, paper restoration and book restoration are also available as a one-day class at B4,500 per person. Fees are inclusive of materials.

Venue Details
Address: Reeves Bindery, Bangkok, Thailand
Phone: 087-121-1210
Area: Chatuchak
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