Ahead of Blackhead’s White Line comeback concert on Sep 14, BK talks to the rock band’s frontman Aanon Saisaengjun, aka Pu BlackHead, 43, about his bout with depression, the beauty of coincidences and the secret to his band’s longevity. 
I loved doing activities at school, whether it was classic masked plays, soccer or music. My dad wanted me to learn to play the piano, but I wasn’t interested. This was around middle school and my friends were really into playing guitar, so eventually we formed a band.
My high school teacher ignited my passion for music. Our band would join music competitions held by the government and he would always encourage us. He made me realize that this is what I wanted to do: sing and play guitar.
It was a long road to Blackhead. It all started when I met the guitarist from a band called Blue Planet. By coincidence we met again at Saloon Pub, a well-known rock pub in Pattaya, where I asked if they needed a singer. Blue Planet agreed to let me sing for them, which kick-started my music career.
Things don’t always happen the way you want them to, but you have to keep going. After joining the band for a while, the record company we were signed to went under. Just like that, Blue Planet was no more. 
I went to live in Koh Samed alone for a year, only telling a few close friends, not even my family. It was supposed to be a short trip, but none of my friends could go with me. I didn’t plan to stay for long but the care-free lifestyle there got me hooked for a year. 
I did all kinds of jobs there, from being a song-taew ticket guy to singing in a pub in exchange for a room to stay in and being a beach boy selling water sports packages. I slept where I could on the beach using a coconut as my pillow.
I was lying on the beach looking scruffy and dirty. My close friend looked me straight in the face and didn’t even recognize me until I shouted, “It’s me, Pu!” He told me that my parents were really worried and my friends were looking for me. I realized then that there’s more to my life than myself.
I joined another heavy rock band called Uranium, where I met bassist Tong. It was another series of unfortunate events as Uranium’s record label also went out of business. Everybody went their separate ways. But my encounter with Tong got us bonding and jamming. Eventually we formed a new band, today known as Blackhead. 
I wouldn’t be where I am today without certain people: Chucky Thanyarat for being such a huge inspiration, Blue Planet for giving me a chance, Pong Hin Lek Fai for guiding me through the life of a musician filled with temptations and obstacles.
Making music is like writing in a diary. Some people can’t handle a band changing its musical direction, but forget that we, as humans, go through different stages in our lives. Each chapter is not going to be the same. 
I was depressed for years before Blackhead’s big break. We needed to sell singles and didn’t even think about making albums anymore. Rather than craft our music, we were pushed to think of big choruses that would sell. We literally didn’t even think about the rest of the song. 
As a musician, it kills me to not do things the way I know is right. It was then that we decided to only do concerts instead of making up new hooks.
The most important thing for a musician is support. It doesn’t matter if it’s a million fans or ten fans, I’m happy knowing there’s someone out there listening to our music. It helps us forget the hard times and focus on what we can do to give back to our fans. A band is only as good as the relationships between its members. We’re still active all these years later because we love each other like brothers. Bands tend to fall out when one member feels they’re doing more than the others, and there are times when that’s certainly the case. Fighting and arguing is all well and good, but you have to remember to communicate. 
Without passion, a musician is dead. Everything starts from your love for it: without it you won’t practice as hard, won’t be as thirsty to learn and won’t take criticism. And this is reflected in your music.
Lullaby Entertainment gave us the push we needed for this concert. We know the younger people working for Lullaby and also know that they’ve brought in many quality international bands. We weren’t so sure if we could do it, but the Lullaby guys came back and said, “We’ve seen you play before, we know you’ll rock it.” 
Our true fans ensure our name will go down in history. They pass on our music to their children and it’s just amazing. I met a fan once who came to our concert with his son—it was truly heartwarming. This is why we don’t get bored of what we do.
Taking a step back doesn’t mean you’re running away from the problem. It can give you a fresh perspective to get you through the hard times. 
I want to open my own hotel— nothing fancy just a small and cozy place. It’s been a dream ever since I lived on Samed. I’ve bought land in Prachinburi and plan to open one there.
There are no boundaries when it comes to love. If you love someone and make them happy, and vice versa, that’s really all you can ask for. I don’t care what people think about me dating someone much younger; if we’re happy and our parents are okay with it, nothing else matters.
I used to think the perfect picture was being married with kids. But I just got off the phone with Tong [Blackhead bass player] and I asked him, “If I do have kids, how am I going to send them to school and raise them in this chaotic city?” It’s just not for everyone. Now I just try to make the best of the present.


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