What drew you to comedy?
I like comedy movies if they’re funny, they help me relax. Also I love to see happy people: I want to be the one who makes them laugh. I can’t do anything else very well, but being a comedian is my best role. I feel great every time I can make someone smile.
Do you think you’re actually funny?
Well, I try to be. I read and watch many hilarious things, so I know how to be funny. I’ve enjoyed watching Ching Roy Ching Larn [a comedy TV show] since I was young, and it’s taught me a lot about improving my comedy skills. Actually, you could say that I’m very serious about being funny, because if I find something I love I’m as hard-working as they come. Acting in the annual play at Chulalongkorn University when I was studying, really groomed me to want to make people laugh. You must have a sense of humor and the right make-up to be able to do this.
How have you made the transition from school actress to a real life career?
In the college annual play, we students had to do everything on our own, from the scriptwriting and acting to being responsible for every single part of the production, sound and lighting. But nobody blamed us if it didn’t work out properly. We were just students. But it’s much harder for TV. You need to be more responsible and not indulge yourself so much.
People might say you aren’t the typical actress who is defined by looks alone; what do you think of our entertainment industry’s  infatuation with beauty?
Well, I like cute boys, with good skin, nice abs, too! It’s like a good first impression—everyone fancies beautiful things. And I don’t think I’m pretty anyway, but sometimes I look in the mirror and I feel like I’m cute in my own way. Someone once told me that a girl can be beautiful if she goes out and shows her talent. I’m an actress and I think what I’m doing is fantastic, and that makes me cool! Actually, it’s true that a pretty face can land you the lead role, but you’ll still be called out if you can’t act well. It’s your responsibility to improve yourself, no matter how beautiful or handsome you are. If you are a bad actor, people are ready to throw rotten tomatoes at their television anytime.